Massive Space Battle, preceding the landings. One of the few times it was in the advantage of the Lords of R. to actually conquer a planet rather than nuke it into oblivion. - - -
PARTICIPANTS in the BATTLE: LORDS of RADIATION- - - Chaos Space Marine Battle Barge, assaulting dreadclaws onto Portia Sextima
ANGELS VERMILLION- - - Pursuing the Khornate fleet.
IM.NAVY BATTLEFORCE MAGNON - - - Defenders of the sector around Portia.S.
BLOOD GOD's FINEST- - - Squadron of the Disciples of Oskar Baldred, high priest of Khorne.
FLAYANN's CORSAIRS- - - Elvish raiders who would rather not have Portia S. fall into chaos contol.
SCYTHE FLEET 9079- - - Necron "allies" who rather not having chaos digging around in the ruins on the world.
The goal was for Chaos to score Assault points on the planet. Of course the Khorne admiral got into killing, and didnt maintain orbit. Everything of the Lords but the barge had to disengage. Chaos troops got control of the D-Cannon on the planet and turned it onto the defenders for a while.