Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Shiny Happy People

| 18 Strength x1 10 8|HERO ID: classified |
| 28 Dexterity x3 10 54|PLAYER: unlisted |
| 29 Constitution x2 10 38|----------------------------------------+
| 14 Body x2 10 8| PTS POWERS END|
| 18 Intelligence x1 10 8| 25 +5.0 Speed (Mutant Powers),"Only |
| 18 Ego x2 10 16| for Martial Escape, Martial Block, |
| 28 Presence x1 10 18| or Martial Dodge, Strike, no move |
| 8 Comeliness x1/2 10 -1| or other powers allowed on these 5 |
| 28 Physical Defens x1 4 24| phases(-1) |
| 14 Energy Defense x1 6 8| 75 Variable Power Pool (64),no |
| 5/10 Speed x10 3.8 12| choice how powers change, Necro, |
| 16 Recovery x2 10 12| restricted type of powers |
| 58 Endurance x1/2 58 0| (-1),unbreakable,personal focus |
| 58 Stun x1 38 20| 30 50% Damage Reduction (PD), |
| Characteristics Cost: 225|

1 comment:

cturnitsa said...

ooooh - this guy should definitely get the Viking everyman skills . . .

8- AK: Midgaard
8- Acting
8- Climbing
8- Concealment
8- Conversation
8- Deduction
Native Language (Skraeling)
11- PS: Lutefish preparation
8- Paramedics (Healing)
8- Persuasion
8- Shadowing
8- Stealth
TF: Dragonships and Cogs

And give him a goodly hauberk, made of finest silver, as a gift from the Husband of thy own Mothers-Sisters-Daughter, who is named Jarl of the Horndoglings.